BOSTON: Jason Jacobs ran the Boston Marathon on April 20 dressed as an iPhone that was brandishing his company'sRunKeeper application for the smartphone. The campaign for FitnessKeeper's iPhone app was spearheaded by a team of students from a social media marketing class at Emerson College, who had three and half weeks to launch the campaign. 

"To run as an iPhone with our application [RunKeeper] on the screen not only would get a lot of attention, but also reflects very well on what our company does," said Jacobs, the CEO and founder of FitnessKeeper. 

The team also filmed the preparations for the race and the costume, posting videos on YouTube and its Web site. The brand is also active on Facebook. Throughout the Marathon, which Jacobs ran in 3:55:07, he Twittered and took photos with his iPhone. 

"We got some pretty high-profile press leading up to the race," he said, "and we have this established fan base already, [so] it's been very out there on the social web."

The application works exclusively with the iPhone at this stage, but Jacobs said there are plans to expand it to other smartphones.